Parenting Digital Kids: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age

The rapid advancement of technology has brought about a fundamental shift in the way children interact with the world around them. The digital age has given rise to a generation of “digital kids” – young individuals who are growing up in a world saturated with digital devices, online p

“How Does Nature Help in Learning?”- By Arvinder kaur

Richard Louv mentioned in his book “Last Child in the Woods”, a few years ago that children had “nature deficit disorder” because they spent so little time in nature. They endured severe repercussions, including increased stress and anxiety, increased obesity and ADHD rates,

The Importance of Toys- By Arvinder Kaur

Toys are the pathway to play if we consider playing the route to healthy growth, and toys are designed to encourage and extend playtime. Variety in play and a wide range of toys and games are required for children to discover what they are excellent at, what they like, and who they are. Choosing the

The Right way to Praise Your Children- By Arvinder Kaur

Most of us understand the importance of praising our children, yet many of us are unsure of how to praise them properly. Let’s figure out the greatest method to compliment our kids. This is true not only for children, but also for adults. Before we begin, it’s important to define praise.

“How You and Your Child Can Get the Most Out of Your Local Library”- By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

Imagine walking into your public library with “child eyes”. What would you see? What invites and excites? What might overwhelm? What would you want to do? Your local library is the perfect setting to welcome your child to the magical world of books. It is a place filled with wonder to young eyes

Developing Mindfulness and Awareness – By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

“Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.”– Jon Kabat-Zinn  Earlier this month we talked about building a sense of responsibility and independence in children. In this blog we look at the growing level of mindfulness and awareness that happens in the Kinderpillar

Fostering Independence and Responsibility -By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

Preschool Franchise
“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of Responsibility and the wings of Independence.” – Denis Waitley We all want our children to feel confident and responsible. How do we support their natural desire to be independent while reminding them about their responsibility