How Studying Music Benefits Young Children?

Music and young children have a special and meaningful relationship. From a very early age, children are naturally drawn to music and are deeply influenced by its rhythms, melodies, and lyrics. Music plays a significant role in their development, impacting various aspects of their lives, including c

“How Does Nature Help in Learning?”- By Arvinder kaur

Richard Louv mentioned in his book “Last Child in the Woods”, a few years ago that children had “nature deficit disorder” because they spent so little time in nature. They endured severe repercussions, including increased stress and anxiety, increased obesity and ADHD rates,

The Importance of Toys- By Arvinder Kaur

Toys are the pathway to play if we consider playing the route to healthy growth, and toys are designed to encourage and extend playtime. Variety in play and a wide range of toys and games are required for children to discover what they are excellent at, what they like, and who they are. Choosing the

Inventing Together Builds Thinking Skills (Part 2)- By prof. Ellen Booth Church

In the last blog I talked about Dr. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences and how this applies to the Kinderpillar educational programs. In this blog we will look at some of the fun ways we do this in our programs.   Thinking Outside the Box…Team Work One of the most fulfilling

Fostering Independence and Responsibility -By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

Preschool Franchise
“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of Responsibility and the wings of Independence.” – Denis Waitley We all want our children to feel confident and responsible. How do we support their natural desire to be independent while reminding them about their responsibility

Becoming Literate! – By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” -Abraham Lincoln We all know how important it is for children to be literate. The literacy skills related to reading and writing are essential for future success in school. Of course, every parent worries if her child will learn how to read

Who was Jean Piaget and How Does His Work Help Us Understand Our Young Children?- Prof. Ellen Booth Church

“Children have real understanding only of that which they invent themselves.” -Jean Piaget Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was a Swiss psychologist and epistemologist known for his pioneering work in child development. His theory of cognitive development has greatly influenced the field of educating you

Interpreting Children’s Inner world Through their drawings- Part 1

What a child draws is just like an open window that sheds light into her inner world. Each drawing has its own journey which describes a child’s personality and behavior. Children’s drawings or scribbles or handwriting are an excellent opportunity for parents and educators to understand their mi