The classroom management tips for a preschool can be the same as for a formal school. The common idea behind the term is to employ such teaching techniques and methods as to provide a classroom environment so it is conductive to learning and allows a child to be successful. The preschool teacher however has more challenges in dealing with young children; therefore classroom management for the preschool has its specific. Understanding of the child’s psychology is the key moment in the designing of the classroom management plan. Let’s see what a teacher shall know about young children while they are in the classroom.

  • The preschoolers can’t yet realize that they are being educated. That’s why it is important to keep all the preschool activities fun and interesting, using play way teaching methods, because play is the most natural way of learning for children. Always prepare some new games for children which foster their interest and curiosity.
  • Young children like to feel that they are independent, treated equally and their impact in any kind of activities is important. The teacher can find a solution in simply assigning classroom helpers on daily or weekly basis. Encourage and appreciate any child’s effort.  Children will surely enjoy doing simple but responsible tasks like passing the materials or leading the line.
  • The children at preschool are too young to understand such concepts like the good and the bad, the wrong and the right. So being a teacher you should teach some rules to keep themselves safe in the classroom. For example, ask them to walk and not to run in the classroom to prevent injuries, teach them to wash hands before eating something and after using toilet.
  • Preschoolers understand the body language and voice’s intonations just as same as the adults do. The teacher has to choose gestures, face expressions and a voice tone for the particular situation in the classroom. Children perceive every single movement and feel if the teacher is open, confused, tired and so on. Nevertheless the teacher always has to be kind and sensible towards children and express it.
  • Like any other individuals, preschool children need to communicate and share. Even if the child is not ready to speak, try to find ways for him/her to convey his/her happiness, anxiety, joy, for example with a drawing or a small play activity.
  • It is important to comprehend that every child is a unique person who has his/her own abilities, wishes, and thinking. Hence the teacher has to observe and determine the child’s individuality in order to find the most suitable way of learning for him/her and apply it in the classroom.