Do you get upset when the things don’t go the way you want them to? Do you feel sad when your relations with the people around are not being developed in a proper way? Your answers will be “Yes, I do”. Though being an adult you already know that life consists of ups and downs, and you have to deal with this somehow. The young children can’t understand it yet and follow their feelings rather than mind. Some of them  are born with a nervous system which is highly aware and quick to react on everything. Such children are called sensitive.
The sudden change, emotional distress of others can easily overwhelm them. The highly sensitive children may behave differently depending on their  temperament. Some can become persistent, demanding, emotionally intense, while others turn inward, calm, and unsociable. Nevertheless whatever the children are, they all are sensitive to their emotional and physical environment.

The question in dealing with sensitive children is whether the intensity of the response is appropriate. The adults have to consider  the following points:

  • The overly sensitive children, when they get older, tent to develop more extreme, melodramatic outbursts  that continue for an extended time.
  • The extreme reactions educe negative attitude and hinder the children to get along with their coeval in school.
  • The teachers and parents often interfere in order to calm the child down.
  • The latter leads to that parent spend more and more time calming down a child, even when he/she gets old, and this becomes a problem.

Showing pity, letting the child feel that his/her sad, negative emotions are the way to get your love can effect his/her emotional development and create problems in life. It is, of course, necessary to support your child, but in a way that helps him/her become emotionally strong and confident. This can be achieved in few ways:

  1. Appreciate that your child’s sensitivity is a trait and not an illness or a syndrome. The sensitivity represents a strategy of taking everything into account before acting.
  2. Have faith in your child’s ability to handle his/her live. Otherwise, labeling your child’s life as sad or unfortunate will make him/her believe in this and become emotionally weak.
  3. Explain the children that they can handle their emotions. Offer some solutions and help to resolve some problems. Once again let them know that you have confidence in their own abilities to handle the emotions.
  1. Don’t rescue your child straight away. When the child become upset, and as a part of the pattern he/she whines, complains, cries, has a tantrum, allow this to be. Don’t get angry or show you are upset too. Once the child shows signs of calming down, engage him/her in normal conversation about other events or activities. Disengage, if the child starts getting upset again.

The child’s behaviour will change rapidly, if you start creating a sense of self-confidence in him/her. Be confident in yourself too, that whatever challenges arise, you are able to overcome them with love and care for your child.


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