The Power of Expression: The Importance of Children Developing Good Communication Skills

Communication skills in early childhood are fundamental for a child’s overall development and form the basis for future language and social interactions. During the early years, children rapidly develop various communication skills that are essential for expressing their needs, understanding o

Enriching Your Child’s Vocabulary: Tips for Language Development

A rich vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of language development and plays a crucial role in a child’s academic success and communication skills. As a parent or caregiver, you have a significant influence on your child’s language development and can actively support the growth of their

Why Self-learning is Important for Young Children?

Self-learning in children refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and understanding independently, without direct instruction or guidance from teachers, parents, or caregivers. It is a form of autonomous learning where children take charge of their own education and actively engage in

Effective Ways to Support your child with their homework

Homework is an integral part of a child’s educational journey, providing opportunities for reinforcement, practice, and independent learning. As parents or caregivers, it is essential to play a supportive role in your child’s homework routine. However, striking the right balance between

Reading Comprehension Disorder in Young Children: Understanding, Challenges, and Interventions- By Arvinder kaur

Reading comprehension is a vital skill that enables individuals to understand and extract meaning from written text. However, some young children experience difficulties in comprehending what they read, known as Reading Comprehension Disorder (RCD). This disorder can significantly impact a childR

“How Does Nature Help in Learning?”- By Arvinder kaur

Richard Louv mentioned in his book “Last Child in the Woods”, a few years ago that children had “nature deficit disorder” because they spent so little time in nature. They endured severe repercussions, including increased stress and anxiety, increased obesity and ADHD rates,

The Importance of Toys- By Arvinder Kaur

Toys are the pathway to play if we consider playing the route to healthy growth, and toys are designed to encourage and extend playtime. Variety in play and a wide range of toys and games are required for children to discover what they are excellent at, what they like, and who they are. Choosing the

“Everything you want to know about your child’s Writing”- By Arvinder Kaur

  Before reading this article, write down your response to the following question: “Which is your favourite colour?” This may have appeared to be a mindless and routine activity, but your mind and body had to work together to execute several steps in the correct order. Picking up a pen or p

“How You and Your Child Can Get the Most Out of Your Local Library”- By Prof. Ellen Booth Church

Imagine walking into your public library with “child eyes”. What would you see? What invites and excites? What might overwhelm? What would you want to do? Your local library is the perfect setting to welcome your child to the magical world of books. It is a place filled with wonder to young eyes